Friday, October 1, 2010

Yummy....!!!!! by FLUKE

I have always cooked food for myself and for others.. But it was always at right time.. by right time I mean I have cooked in afternoon and in evenings but never done so in early morning at 6.30… so this was my first time early morning cooking. So now I’m preparing my Tiffin for office and I just realized this last night at around 2300 hrs when I was already in bed and thinking about the coming day in office, this came to me as a happy realization, that I have forgotten to order a Tiffin at office and I will have to carry my own lunch. This cooking experience was not just weird due to its odd hours but also due to many other reasons like the resources available were very limited and I have never cooked in limited resources.. Whenever I have cooked it always started with grocery and vegetables shopping. This time I dint have a choice so I had to work with the limited resources available. After a while I realized that the resources were actually so limited that it was impossible to cook anything specific, so I decided to cook with anything andeverything available… this sounds horrible but I was enjoying doing so. I was adding anything that pleased to my eyes at that moment and anything that was in my vicinity. Once I was done with this and my food was ready… I was excited and afraid to tasted it and see if it worth eating. But let me tell you It was one of its kind made to order food and it surprisingly tasted great…. It’s not just my opinion… my team mates also liked it. And my final words were “never in life ask me to make the same thing again because it’s impossible”.