Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pointers for Dealing with Difficult People

Build a rapport
Just talk to people. Listen to people. Spend time with them and show that you truly care.

Dwell on results
Bottom line - you have work to be done -Working in tandem with a 'difficult person' is challenging, but focus on where you are going, not the personal issues you face.

Notice worth
Recognizing the potential of 'difficult people' is half the battle. They are a value and flicking the switch that truly turns them on is a worthwhile challenge.

Meet frequently
For an ongoing issue, make sure that you show and keep your commitments to them. This builds trust and that, in turn, makes resolution a whole lot easier.

Be sincere and open
It is no good trying to resolve issues when Dealing with Difficult People, if you are going to either go back on on your agreements or fall down on your business targets. Now is the time to be frank and honest and get a stake in the ground. These people have been lied to enough. Be really clear on your expectations and stick to them. Change their view on authority.

If you can go some way to help them resolve the cause of their anger, and it fits with everything you and your business stands for, then do it - and do it fast. Whatever you promise, deliver on. Communicate with them in good time. Over deliver on pace and issues, where you can. You will be amazed at what a difference this makes.

Give them Respect
These people are real human beings. They hurt just like the next person. They are, it's true, displaying some awkward behavior - so help them with them. Make a difference to that person - you could be changing their life in a way you would never have thought possible. Have some fun even. Share a laugh maybe?

Look for mutually beneficial turf
Solutions when Dealing with Difficult People are not cop-outs on either side. A compromise means that someone is losing here. Find a common position and seek to meet half way without losing site of what is the most important to each of you. there is usually a win-win out there.


  1. for me every person around me is "Difficult"

  2. talking to people is fun.....but understand them........hmmmm

  3. yeah very true.... i think everybody gets this experience in their life ..... so can say its a part of our life... n at some point its gud too, we come to know how we can deal with them...

  4. Very useful tips.. but wish to know more

  5. nice points to remember at the time of dealing people.......
