Monday, October 25, 2010

What If

Let’s give the wing to our imagination. Think about the different situations in the life. Think beyond the imagination what if,
What if pet could be taught to speak? What would happen? Think about this ..
It would be hard to keep your family secrets because your pet would tell the neighbors’ dog and so on around the community. You will become world famous among your society.
What if your dog could answer back? Whenever you told your dog to go outside the dog might ask: ‘Why should I?’
The problem will arise when you will give food to it. Your pet also indicates weather he liked the food and when he is hungry.
The advantages are also not less at this situation. You could set your dog to answer the phones and to carry the house hold security work like a professional watch man. Your pet might ask the burglar: ‘Excuse me, what are you doing here?’
This will be more beneficial to those who live single and very good for the old age men. Pets might want political right to vote.
Then advertisement industry will also target pets that they could listen to the advertisement and now could influence their masters. They might work for the newspaper and news channel with the help of software to type their own stories.
Same like that think unobvious things in life. What if they all may happen one day. I have some of them for you:
What if girls have to propose for marriage?
What if human cloning will be available for cheapest rates?
What if devil becomes happy with his entire team and changes his decision?
What if people will speak only in sign languages?
What if you will become the president of USA?
What if 100 people of the world recognize you by your name and all of them are the CEO?
What if you got up early morning and found a bag full of currency beside your pillow?
What if……..


  1. Will they remain "PETS"? And will they be called as "Human' Best Friend" ?

    They are just too good cos they are not what you just said... LOL ...Loved it!!!

  2. this one is my fav...."What if devil becomes happy with his entire team and changes his decision?"

  3. thanx...actually that is not too difficult to praise Devil.....

  4. worsethoughts u can rite a lot more on this... I've read ur otha blogs and i really like them

  5. thanx jenice........i will right more and improve too....

  6. Always question u r self, it cant help to have proactive approach too.

  7. i wish my "leo"(my dog) could have speak..:(

  8. its like our childhood thoughts come alive here..... thanx dear

  9. its really somthing which i always think
    i always pretend things which are really un real but i love to imagine them
    nice post
