Monday, October 18, 2010

An empty mind is a devils workshop

An empty mind is the devils workshop is quite an old proverb and often heard from people around. Almost all of us will agree to this fact. However I disagree to this popular belief. It is for a simple reason that an empty mind is actually a result of deep meditation. An empty mind ensures there are no thoughts coming to your mind, irrespective of whether the thoughts are positive or negative. Therefore an empty mind cannot get a person destructive mode as the mind will be free of any thoughts. It’s an “Idle mind” instead which serves as a devils workshop. It means that someone who is idle will always find time for the destructive activities. Generally people who are productive always look for positivity in their life but those with nothing will find their happiness in devious acts. It however depends on your personality when one become idle he feels bored. To come out of that boredom he starts to do something’s, by the process of doing this he rather goes in the right way or in a wrong way. When someone gets attracted the wrong path, the devils starts his work. Positive thinking and creativity can easily help us get rid of an idle mind. So I believe an idle mind and not an empty mind is devils workshop.


  1. hmmm thats why....Devil understand what is running in our minds.........

  2. Nanci honey... i think u mean "idle" mind and not "ideal mind".... but yes it makes a lot of sense wat u saying...

  3. its okkk no need to be......after all this happen coz of the workshop of devil..."LOL"

  4. Devil lives only where no on live.

  5. very real i ve also caught by this Devil many tyms... so usually i keep myself busy...

  6. being busy is not only solution......have focus only then u will not caught by devil

  7. Devil wanna be where no ones there.....

  8. Devil = sins
    Lust, anger, greed, ego, loving everything else but god
    Workshop = mind

    God has given us virtues to work with in our workshop(mind)
    But since we born we read "free will" in our own way. Which is do whatever we like

    Thats not free will

    Free will was given to us to choose what's good and what's bad for us ..
    Obviously we keep choosing sins way more than virtues

    Thats why we are sinners

    Virtues = kindness, patience, content, confidence, truth

    Now many of you will say I'm always kind or patient.. of course we are but we have to recognize when where how did we apply virtues/sins in our life.

    The more you apply virtues, you are working with god in your workshop. You'll attract happiness
    The more you apply sins, devil is working in your workshop .. you will attract stress, pain, hurt, sickness what not

  9. Devil = sins
    Lust, anger, greed, ego, loving everything else but god
    Workshop = mind

    God has given us virtues to work with in our workshop(mind)
    But since we born we read "free will" in our own way. Which is do whatever we like

    Thats not free will

    Free will was given to us to choose what's good and what's bad for us ..
    Obviously we keep choosing sins way more than virtues

    Thats why we are sinners

    Virtues = kindness, patience, content, confidence, truth

    Now many of you will say I'm always kind or patient.. of course we are but we have to recognize when where how did we apply virtues/sins in our life.

    The more you apply virtues, you are working with god in your workshop. You'll attract happiness
    The more you apply sins, devil is working in your workshop .. you will attract stress, pain, hurt, sickness what not
