Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Love For Work

The grass is always green on the other side of the fence. This is the first that comes to our mind when it we think of our job and end up comparing it with a similar kind of a job at some other place. However, if we think of this deeply then we may realize that the major reason for our dissatisfaction with our current job is because we love our job but do not love our work. We always wait for the first day of the month when our salary gets credited into our account but we never take time to check whether we really worked with the same passion and joy or not. Only if we love our work, will we able to enjoy our work. This means we need to be honest with our work, we need to give our 100% in everything we do at our work place. Initiativeness is one of the key factors which determine how much we love our work. The more prompt we are in taking up a task at work and completing it with utmost sincerity only proves our love for work. I therefore urge each and every one of us to pledge a promise that we will show utmost dedication toward our work and we will love our work.

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