Tuesday, October 5, 2010


We all have friends. We all talk about friendship each and every day. Everyone wants true friends and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called as true friend. Though all of us have family, distant family, but most of the time we rely on friends for advise, comfort and inspiration and probably that’s why friendship is the most important relationship one can ever have .There are two distinct features of a friendship; they are openness and not to worry about courtesy. We can contact our friends at any time without worrying about courtesy. Also, we can share our thoughts and view with out hesitation. As we know our friends  will never misunderstand us and will talk with us in the right sense. For example a mother is a true friend of her child in the same manner we should share the same relation with our friends without having any selfish intentions, so that we are true to our friend.


  1. hey nancy... i'm waiting for a followup as i'm sure there's more to this......

  2. yeah true we always have our gr8 times wid our frndz....
