Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Relationship is such a pain!

Every girl wants a “MR PERFECT” in her life, even my best friend Monica wanted the same…She was in love with Peter who was working as an Assistant Manager in a MNC company in Georgia. They were in relationship for the last two years but a few days back they broke up. I already knew this is going to happen between them.
We are childhood friends & she used share each and everything with me. Even when she started her relationship she came and told me first that she is in love. I know her very well, she was madly in love with Peter because she was not ready to except that Peter was not made for her. They were very happy as most of the relationship has the same start & as time passed everything started changing. He got busy with his work and started working more than 12 Hrs a day due to which he started ignoring her which was not enough on top of that he started abusing her. He used to abuse her in front of his friends. Afterwards he started abusing her mentally and physical too. Monica thought he is her “Soul mate” but very soon her all dreams were broken down into pieces when she came to know that Peter was cheating on her and that day was last day of her relationship. That day she cried so much but now she is again “Single” and enjoying her life without getting hurt…Now she give advice to every girl stay single because you can enjoy your life on your terms and conditions, you don’t need to think about anybody, you don’t have to wait for anybody”. That’s why we say “You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere”


  1. Oh sad to know but yes this is a very general scene out side...Its sad to see people not respecting others feelings and not being honest.Relationships are not easy ..Being single is so nice ... :)

  2. agree with u alice.... single is best rather than makin a mess for r selfs
