Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Devil’s Team

When we think about a DEVIL, we imagine a man with weird face and a wicked smile on his face. I know one devil in my life!!! He is our team lead who doesn’t have protruding teeth and wired face but he always has that wickedest smile on his face. We are the team of fifteen who is working under the supervision of “DEVIL”. So we call our team as DEVIL’s team.

You will be wonder to know that the experience of working under him is like a hell. I would like to define “HELL” otherwise people might misunderstand. According to me “HELL” is the place where people think about innovative ideas. Actually we all (DEVIL’s team) are working in HELL but every day we learn some or the other new things with fun.
We do everything differently!!! We work together to achieve a common goal. The main aim of my team is to finish our work before time and have fun while working. We are the happening team on the floor. We conduct our meetings in a room which we call it as “Den.  In Den we share our knowledge, experience, thoughts etc.
At the end of the day we have to give report on our productive work else we are dead. Everyone is so scared of him, no one dare to speak in front of him if they have not finished their task on time. It is compulsory to have smiley face throughout the shift if you are not doing that he assigns a very funny name to that person and he is addressed by that name though out that day and sometimes it’s really very embarrassing. So the motto of my team is to do the work with fun any. The thing makes devil happy only by your productivity and performance.
We love to be the part of devil’s team….after all we are small devils. HE HE HE


  1. not wonderfull.....its like live matches frm hell

  2. I love Devils...hahahahahahaha

  3. LOL me think me knows whom you talkin bout lmao :


  4. so what u do by the way........
    Devils Deed or work
    really nice explanation of a team lead.....
    nice blog

  5. what ever we do.....we love to do
    we follow devil because of his passion towards work.........by the way thanx
