Monday, October 11, 2010

Shopping & Investment

The financial life for most of us revolves around 3 basic stages. They are earning, shopping & savings (investment). While most of us have limited sources of earnings, the sources of outgoings are too many. So for a stable financial living, one should be able to maintain a good balance between spending and investment. However, if you ask me whether I am practicing what I preach then my answer will be a strict no. I am a big shopaholic and the pleasure that I get after blowing money on shopping cannot be compare with any other pleasure.
Ideally, I feel shopping is the birth right of every girl/woman and I am no different. From clothes to accessories, I will shop till faint and drop myself. Recent research shows that shopping is the great stress buster for girls and that gives me one more reason why I should shop around every time. I however manage to keep aside a small share of the earnings as a backup for bad times. My investments are usually in insurance policies and mutual funds. These not only act as investment tools but also provide me financial security in the case of crises. By the way as I am writing down my point of view about shopping and saving. I have receives sms from my friend about a sale going on nearby. So I have to go there.
Golden words as I leave…… a rupee saved is a rupee earned so spend wisely.


  1. nice one... but its quite hard to save money actually... specially when u love to spend

  2. without money no shopping no investment.....suggest me investment without money:-)
