Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We usually keep expectation from everything. Knowingly or unknowingly. In fact usually we decide our actions and reactions depending on what we want and what we expect.

Let’s think in this way – we expect and let others expect from us. Once we let others expect from us we try to act the way they want us to and so we try to please them. We allow them to do so.. It’s simple give and take relation you expect they will also expect from you. We usually behave like this because we think of next person and don’t want to hurt them. This is one of the reasons we forget “what we actually are,what we want and what our natural reactions are“.

This also makes you and other person weak. As we stop others too from thinking wide.We actually don't let others know what ACTUAL we are. We curb ourselves from expressing your own self. Which is why they think and assume how we gonna react. And if we fail to react the way they have been seeing us and ultimately the way they want us to then we are termed as “Changed”.

As expectations increases person tend to inclined for quantitative output rather than qualities. This is also a reason of loosing focus from your work. It’s a vicious circle.
If not from others we start expecting from ourselves. Expecting from self is good if we really working towards it.
This can either increase your productivity or
We need to live simply without expectations and without judging. It’s us who choose to expect and let others expect from us. Let’s change this notion of expectations from ourselves and then see life will be much simpler and easy. Let’s not expect anything from others. Starting from your loved ones..

Things when we get without expectations will bring real happiness in our life, which will be everlasting.Lets increase our horizon and let others too. Its a free life where nothing is for free...


  1. Thanks Jessica

    Expectations makes our life complicated.Imagine life without expectations .... at least not from other people. or let those expectations be handled in a positive way rather than making them rules of our life..

  2. if there is expectation....we will feel pain when it will not fullfill..........soo guys n gals stop expectation

  3. Our own expectations of ourseleves are what drives us on to great things.
    We have to set our expectations high to maintain a healythy challenge for ourselves.

    I Like the picture.

  4. yes u r right alice....expectations makes our life complicated.

  5. yes.... i too ve an expectation with all the peoples around me with whom i ve some relations... n at times it hurts badly....

  6. yes.... no expectations from other person............

  7. don't expect anything from hearts.

  8. well said Mike, always keep your expectoration high so that if u try to achieve it we can at least achieve something even if we are not achieved what we r expected .

  9. There is a fine line between your duty or responsibility for the otha person and the expectation... for eg. the duty of a friend is to support, back or wateva.. however its expectation if he is to do so when he doesnt wish to or want to... it also shows the level of friendship in this eg.... well written... but alas there is nothing as sweet and as appealing as "expectations"

  10. when we do not expect anything... all comes as a surprise... and dats more excitin

  11. ACCEPTANCE can kill Expectations :)

  12. like this picture...expectation works.....we always see a light of expectation in everyone.....if it will not fullfill then we remain in dark.......

  13. thanks,and picture s beautiful....

  14. I agree with Mrunalini...
    ACCEPTANCE can kill Expectations

  15. but m not agree.........u will not accept that person if u dont have any expectation with him/her.........

  16. exactly......without any expectation there is no acceptance
