Thursday, October 14, 2010

Now Only……………………. (Message for my loved ones)

When I will be dead, you will send me flowers but I won’t be there to smell it, so send me flowers now only.
When I will be dead, you will praise me but I won’t be there to receive it, so praise me now only.
When I will be dead you will forget my faults, but I won’t be there to see it so why not forgive me now only.
When I will be dead you will miss me and remember those days we spend together but that time I will not there with you, so miss me now only.
When I will be dead your tears will flow but I won’t be to there to wipe it so cry for me now only.
When I will be dead you will love me, I won’t be there to love you back so love me now only.


  1. "Now Only" ---- That was a Good One.....

  2. you will get flowers everyday
    Will praise you everyday
    Will fergive you if u make mistakes.. wont remember too
    I dont ever want to miss you..
    Never want to cry neither ever want to see tears in your eyes
    love you too dear...
    So never talk about going away ever

  3. very true....we realise anythings true value only when its not there... its always better to say now only
