Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Trees are the only living object which can get anywhere except some dry & cold places. A tree provides us many things in day to day life without asking anything return from us. Trees take carbon dioxide (CO2) from air & release oxygen in air. Without oxygen no living organism can survive on the earth, so think how important trees in our life are.
All three basic needs like food, cloths & shelter is provided by trees & they don’t want anything return against that. Many types of medicines are made from various trees that means trees cures many diseases & saves our life. Trees are priceless thing in our life. Trees creates healthy, active & fresh environment & makes our life happy.
Trees increases proportion of raining & also control soil erosion of soil. Our daily food comes directly or indirectly from trees, various green vegetables we eat came only from tress.
Trees prevents flood & increases fertility of soil & also provides raw material to various industry. So save trees.
Without trees life just unthinkable! So from today start planting trees & take care of them as they did.


  1. i have learn this in my school days......really

  2. we all ar alive becos of trees only...

  3. we never think about trees one day we have to think about them seriously it will make our future on this planet or it can destroy it.

  4. very true.... everyone should plant as many trees as possible...

  5. correct.....every person should plant as tree

  6. i have planted one tree...n water it every day..it is just 1 year old..:)

  7. everyone should plant once in a week and watered them too
