Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Alcohol good or bad???

Who decides is alcohol good or bad for health??? It’s you who decide whether it’s good for you or no. But in our society alcohol is considered as bad. But according to me everything in limit is good. But as soon as you cross your limit it starts showing its bad effects. Even government is trying to keep alcohol away from teenagers. But it’s really not working out. Yesterday I read an article according to a survey teens between 15 to 18 years have stared consuming more alcohol as compare to last five years. It’s really shocking news. Every person start drinking alcohol for fun but some time it’s not more fun it becomes addiction. Even I drink alcohol but I know when I should stop. That’s why I enjoy a lot. But many of us can’t figure it out where stop and finally it becomes addiction which is really bad. We should enjoy our drink that’s why we say “CHEERS”.


  1. its true....but tell us abt how to set "stop" button at the tym of drinking.....

  2. very true... we need to know our limits....

  3. limits are decided by itself ...anything in right proportion is always good.

  4. Never let the Alcohol to control you, instead of this control the alcohol so that it can help u to enjoy you every moment of your life.

  5. plzz write somthing hw to decide your limit.....

  6. the word "limit" is a trickster. A true drinker will tell u that ur "limit' of consumption increases with time, quantity and quality of the drink. Drinking in itself cannot be judged. If a person has crossed his so called "limit" then either he does not take care of his physical self or is not mentally strong enough. Either way its not just bout individual or personal choice but bout wat the person "DOES BOUT IT!"

  7. it's depends on you...

  8. lets cheers!!!!!!!! n forget about good or bad just enjoy d life

  9. Stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don't drink too much. Then again, don't drink too little.

  10. @ worstthought : its you who can stop that..no 1 else can do that for u..

  11. @for every one: enjoy ur Drinks:) cheers..!!!!
