Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Friends……..

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never ever the same. What is a “best friend”? Almost everyone has one, and almost everyone is one. There’s something about a best friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone has their own definition of what their own best friend is like and what an impact he or she has made in their life. A best friend is a title held for very few. The term cannot be thrown around loosely. Not just anyone can be called your best friend. A best friend can be someone with whom you have known since childhood but can also be someone that you've just met and similar to “love at first sight,” you just click with.
She probably knows you better than anyone you can think of, definitely better than your parents, and sometimes better than you know yourself. For best friends there is a feeling, and an emotion for every event shared together, a feeling of love, and a feeling of hate, a feeling of happiness and a feeling of remorse, a feeling of laughter, and a feeling of tears. She has seen you at your worst, and helped you be your best. Best friends always talk about the future in terms of "we" knowing that they will be best friends for life. Best friends always have inside jokes that seem stupid to everyone else but get you rolling on the floor every time you mention them. A best friend will always tell you that you look good, even on your worst days. A best friend is someone with whom you've shared your most intimate secrets with, and laughed the loudest. It is safe to say that true best friends are the ones you have for life.

A best friend always understands you, or at least pretends to, and she is always willing to listen to your opinions and never criticizes them, even if they are a little weird. Best friends have a secret language with special codes that no one would ever be able to crack. She went with you and held your hand when you got your belly button pierced and she was there with you when you mom threatened to rip it out. She comes to family functions and makes fun of your strange great-aunts with you. When best friends go through these emotions together, they learn and grow from them and become closer than ever before.


  1. no one can ever replace a friend in life....

  2. best friends are those who can borrow me money when ever i will be empty there nyone:)

  3. best friend is like a stars u dont always see them but they are with you

  4. best friend is who always with us during good time as well as bad time.........
