Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New thing to learn today "GIS"

Today’s world is full of technologies. Every day we hear some or the other new technology which is coming up. Thanks to our brainy scientists…I am sure no one has ever heard about GIS!!! Even I was wondering what the hell is this when I heard this for the first time from one of my friends who is doing MS in GIS. She explained me nicely about GIS in very simple language. Let me share this with you too. It stands for Geographic information systems. It is a collection of tools which captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are related to location. In lay man language we can say it’s a application which is used to make a decision related to geography for example agriculture, roads, buildings.etc by editing, storing, analyzing, sharing the geographical data. This system is very useful now a days. Every government in world is using this technology to improve their analysis. It used for urban planning, natural resource management, photogrammetry, geography etc. There are many soft wares which are used in GIS. I know one of it because my friend has worked with that. It is ArcGIS Desktop 9.3. According to her its an awesome software. Now lets take a example where GIS.