Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Say Yes or No………….

Two common words…..YES or NO which we use many times in a day but I would like to ask you, do you really know the meaning of these words. What I feel is when we say "YES", it means we agree on particular thing and we decide to do that work or have already finished it. And same case with "NO" when we don’t want to do something we say no to it. However people found another answer between Yes & NO. This situation comes when we are not able to answer and we need a time to think, sometimes it’s ok………but many times its hurts people around you because they have a hope, may be you say “Yes” to them, and what if you say no….Do u think it would Hurt them. It’s better to say no to something rather than keeping quite.
Why can’t we stand on one side either say yes or no? Why do we ignore things and leave it for future.
One incident I remember, my school was planning to go for trip and I wanted to go. I asked my father and he didn’t say anything. He just said “We will See”. I was happy because I had a hope that might be he says yes and I started planning for my trip. When my teacher asked about the trip I told him “Yes I am definitely coming”. I reached home and informed my dad about this.  He busted on me who gave you permission to say yes. That time I realized yes he didn’t allow me nor he said no. Which I as a child assumed he has no issues me going on a picnic. That was a small incident happened in my life when I was child but:
I learned a lesson from here:
Never Assume things when there is no clear answer to it.
Keeping quite is not an answer.This type of mistake we do many a times in our life and since then I believe stand on one side either Yes or No.


  1. Hey dear thats a nice one.... its seriously so simple but we make it too complicated.... It shld be a clear YES or No... Life cannot be a 3rd option... Lovely blog

  2. yes u r right we only make it complicated and thanks for comment

  3. ur welcome dear....... nice thought..... waiting for more thoughts from u
