Monday, October 25, 2010

A good coffee mug makes the difference....

“Hey that’s My coffee mug….”
All of us at some point have said this to someone who is using our coffee mugs or have heard people saying this when they see someone in the family or friends using their coffee mug. almost every coffee lover has a special coffee mug for them self… and we love drinking our coffee only in that special mug…
Have you ever wondered why is that mug…. only that mug so special to you….?
Why we always wanna have coffee only in our mug…?
Does it give a special taste to the coffee..?
Or is it just like a cherry on the top for a steaming hot coffee…?
This morning I almost gave up my coffee because I could not find my mug….
It was my mom who reacted to this as she thought it is totally unreasonable to not drink the coffee only for the silly reason that you don’t get to drink it in your special mug…
This is when I realized the importance of MY COFFEE MUG… I have always been so specific about the cup in which I have my coffee…. This started way back from my childhood, I remember throwing tantrums when I dint get milk in my special mug.. or when my mug was given to someone else… I would kinda hate the person who tried to borrow my mug. It was a feeling like someone what trying to take
over your territory.

It does not end here… the saddest part was when by mistake me or someone else would break the mug… for the next few days I would not feel like drinking coffee and the m
ug is missed always.

MY MUG is a feeling of belonging and possession… its like… its selected by you… choosen for you and used only by you…. And so its MY COFFEE in MY MUG…


  1. So true... coffee in a beautiful coffee mug attracts more than when it is kept in a simpler one..

  2. a beautiful coffee mug make you feel...........the taste of coffee

  3. Really beautiful coffee mug makes differencc

  4. i have different story about it..I love my Cofee mug cos it is been gifted by my makes my coffee special everyday... :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. so true!!! that's what makes CC day so special.

  7. I have a special mug for water, tea, coffee, milk, Juice, softdrink, and booze!!!!!.... U have hit upon something quite "sacred" good 1 Beth really sweet.... and written from the heart.. i can see it.

  8. nice picture i like it and i have a good collection of coffee mugs.

  9. It also helps in the increasing the test of the coffee.

  10. even i feel the mug is black color...:)i have this mug with since last 5 years..

  11. o ya so true.... a mug of coffee really makes a difference.....

  12. i love my coffe in my particular cup which my girl friend gifted me.....its true...
