Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cell phones – Just communication?

They were introduced in this world merely for the communication although its basic use is still communication its now also used as status symbol too. Nobody had probably even thought about where it would take this world to. It has become so easy to track a person or to know about our loved ones. It has increased communication pace and also helped less usage of transportation. Average age of users has come down drastically, now days even school kids use “Personal” cell phones. It’s hard to imagine this world without cell phones
I sometimes miss my older way of greeting people personally (though i still do but it has decreased. As next person may not feel it’s important ‘cos most of the topics are already been talked about over the phone and left with not much to talk about when you “meet” ) Ah ! Not to forget phones ring when not required. And above all “those” text msgs specially from who has free msging they will annoy you specially when you do not have space in your inbox and they keep sending you warning to delete some “Important” massages from inbox. And worst “Somebody ” will keep calling you when you out for a party or with “Someone” special just to ask “how are we”. Suppose if we “Fail” to receive such calls then we termed as “rude” or we do know understand the importance of a “call”. I sometimes wonder do we really need so much of “Mobolity” ?Are we forgetting few things? Are we mixing up “our space” with inbox “No Space” massage?


  1. not communication...........i love my cell

  2. ahhhhhhh mobile it is used for so many other things bcoz of the latest technologies got implemented in it....
