Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beautiful Mind

That day I saw one beautiful lady in office party. She had flawless skin, awesome clothing with the perfect figure. She seems to be much on her own. This appearance made her the center of attraction. On other hand there was a short, balding and mousy man. He also surrounded by people in plastic conversation with him.
What’s up dude?
You can do more to make your body beautiful and strong. There are a lot of exercises available at gym. You can much to make your face beautiful and a lot of things which that man don’t want to listen.
My question is this what about your mind? Do we make any effort at all to have a beautiful mind? A well toned body with a boring mind may get the attraction of the crowd for you but you can’t keep the attraction always surround you. This is the beauty of a beautiful mind.
Come back to the same party the beautiful woman had a boring mind that’s why she could keep attraction for long time but on other hand that mousy man gots a lot of attraction of the crowd because of his beautiful mind.
You are born with certain shape of face and body. There is only one thing that you can make beautiful is your mind. As you get older, physical beauty will fade. Beauty of mind with the decay of time will increase with experience and knowledge.
If you want to make your mind beautiful you can. It’s not a rocket science or the matter of extra intelligence. It is how you use your mind that matters. The beautiful mind shows in your talking habit and your day to day activity as well as your behavior.
Think about that and have the perfect combination of beauty with brain…..