Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life..... whats the purpose

I was just thinking about some people not able to describe actually what they wanna do in life... what do they actually wanna achieve... What do they wanna do in life...

I guess this is the most common question many of us might have come across sometime. The answers to these are actually endless.

Many people feel that their purpose may be devotion to their religion. No Wonder we have so many issues on religions.

Some of them feel the meaning of life is to continue the human by reproduction. Since the end is death, they argue that the most important thing is the creation of more humans.

Many of us do see our personal achievement or goals. Achieving their individual goals become the purpose of living.

Some people like always will just not answer that and say that there is no point in even trying to find the true meaning of life because the question is just so deep.

One answer i like to this question is that humans are here simply to just enjoy life.

The only meaning to life is what you give it.

You are born and die, enjoy what is between.

The truth is, life is what you make of it. The meaning you put behind it is your own. The way you live it is your own.


  1. life a big question n answer oh yeh are actually endless

  2. completely agree with u nanci........

  3. i like ur all blog posts..u writ aswm:)

  4. It's we who decides our purpose to serve others or to serve ourself and we are in the center of these two ends. If u r not moving at any direction then u will be saint.

  5. mine purpose is to be somebody.......atleast 5 people will knw me in the world

  6. some times it happence with me......

  7. @worsethoughts..... many know u dear...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. sometimes it took the whole life time to understand this....

  10. Are we really sure about what we want..and how do u a human i think we all need everything...

  11. meaning of life is changing person to person..........

  12. purpose of life make your life different and beautiful than others

  13. its one question I believe.. at some point of time everyone thinks has no answer
