Friday, October 8, 2010

Are you a Celebrity??????????

It’s time to share those strong opinions and ridiculous ideas. I think that most of the famous people, the celebrities, stars, actors, and dance show winners, politicians are all over hyped. They are worse than the worst. They are hypocrites who lead double lives with no shame or guilt. Everything about them is a lie, the way they look –, the clothes, make-up, body, hair. Our superstars get their noses fixed, eyes fixed, bodies fixed and everything else fixed to look as beautiful and unreal as they do on screen. So, we successfully determine that they look fake.

Their lives, their very public private lives, the sagas of so called love, sex, steam and dream are wide open for us to see. There is one class of the society that has benefitted immensely from this, they owe their little bundles of money and happiness to the celebrities – these are the paparazzi, the gossip columnists, 24 hour news channels and the likes. There are so many stories out there about our dear beloved celebrities and public personalities we don’t know what to believe anymore. There is little or no truth in the apologies and the scandals, we can dig into every scandal and find a minimum of ten theories about what exactly happened. Each of these theories is nastier than the other and the sad fact is that one of them is true!

With such terrible people as public personalities I have lost all hope in celebrities. I am not an easy believer. I feel like there are better things to do than to talk about our miserable public personalities. Let’s make celebrities out of each other, WE all are interesting with all the funny habits, embarrassing goof ups, imperfections, all put together. The biggest honor to us is that we are one hundred per cent real!