Sunday, October 3, 2010

My first night trek

It was a rainy season though it was a clear sky till afternoon.We all wanted to go for adventure...So We decided to go for a night trek. We all knew trek was difficult and long. Everyone agreed to the plan. We all started before sunset.It was looking really beautiful.As the night started falling we were walking and enjoying every bit of it till It started lightning.To the worst of our started raining cats and dogs.. It all started their..we lost our way..No food, no shelter, nonstop heavy rain didn’t end there itself we saw some wild animal passing by..Undoubtedly we all got scared... that night none of us could sleep (except one-who was least bothered about next moment.. )...Rained stopped in the morning and surprisingly we all realised we were walking all our way from edge of the cliff... It was a life talking experience and but the worth...Wish everybody should take such experience in there life at least once.But one advice go with full precautions and information ... Make it a memory .


  1. Wow.really sounds really thrilling just like one of those movies.M glad you all are safe.But do take care from next time as it is really risky to do such adventures..
