Monday, October 4, 2010

Friday party with friends or with colleague

Thank god it’s Friday…. After working for full week the only thing I was looking forward was a small dinner party with some beer and few good friends… was I asking for too much

… of course not.. I was done with my work for the day and was about to leave the office… then my boss asked us to wait back for some reason, which he dint specify at that moment… for almost 10 minutes, till the boss arrived, I wondered as to what could be the reason that on a Friday evening when everybody has almost logged out and is about to leave, then why am I asked to wait with few of my team members. Suspense at times can lead to many weird thoughts… but when the silence broke it was bliss… I was planning for a party with friends and there we were asked to wait as we all were supposed to go out with our colleague for an office party…. It’s like work harder and party harder. Of course I have heard about office parties and all but an office party for no specific or special reason and just because it happ

ens every week. It’s like you work hard through the week and at the end of it you party harder with the same people with whom you have been working through the week. This sounds exciting because I have never been on a so called official party ever and I don’t know how formal it will be but still with the kinda industry I’m working everything is in style and is indeed entertaining. That’s what you can all as an advantage of working in entertainment industry… here everything right from working to parting is full style of entertainment.


  1. Friday party necessary..........

  2. soo which company is gud.........frnds or colleague

  3. I always wait for Friday to come...& I love Friday night party

  4. to be frank.. both r hell lot of fun.... friday night for colleague and saturday night for frds....
