Thursday, October 14, 2010

Change is the only thing thats Constant......

I think it depends on whether or not the change was your idea. When we decide to change, we usually jump in with both feet, excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. When change is forced upon us, we rebel. We look for every reason that the change imposed will not work.
What could happen if we learned to embrace change as a normal part of our lives and didn't fight with ourselves over it? Isn't it really our own perception of change that either holds us back or propels us forward?
Many of us have our own ideas on what is an acceptable change and what isn't. The truth is change happens to us everyday. People change everyday; they grow. Our circumstances change everyday.
Yet, even though we intellectually know that change is the only thing thats constant, we fight to keep what is-what's familiar. It is important for every human being to find new ways in handling change, if that change brings us stress and discomfort.
I have had a multiple of changes happening in my life over the last few years, not all wanted.
How did I survive all of it?
The same way many of us have, by taking it one day at a time and remembering that it's my perception of change that affects my thoughts, my feelings, and my reactions. Change is hard, at times and usually causes stress. But once you learn some stress relieving techniques, you will surprise yourself as to how calm you can become.
We all must take a few minutes to examine how we perceive change. Are we helping or hurting ourselves with these perceptions? If we need to become better at handling change, what steps will we take to get there?


  1. Whether one likes it or not, whether one wants it or not, whether one believes it or not....The truth is that change is the ONLY thing left which is CONSTANT in our daily lives. So when we know that things would change, irrespective of our stand, the best deal which one can get from it is to accept it, inculcate it and treat it is a integral part of life which will be there with us throughout....
    I believe this will make out life a lot more easier...

  2. keep changing yourself.....means update urself....its fun to see urself newer everyday
