Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dealing with Difficult People (Part1)

Remember you are not dealing with logical people but with people with emotion, people overflowing with prejudice, and propelled by pride.
Difficult people are everywhere. It could be anyone like a neighbor, partner, friend, co-workers or even your own relatives; anyone can be a difficult person to someone else & whether we admit it or not, at some point of time we have been quite difficult ourselves.
It is crucial to see if you are in a situation with a difficult person or if you yourself are beginning to be one. The first remedy to any problem is identifying the problem.
More often than not, difficult people seldom realize they are being difficult they look at their behavior as normal. Similarly, some victims may not see that they are dealing with someone being difficult.
There are infinite ways to be difficult, let’s look at some of the most common.
The “Black & White” people – for them its either all or nothing, if something is not perfect it’s a disaster
The “Mentally Blocked” – they are the ones that pick out a single negative detail and settle solely on that, ignoring anything positive that may disagree with it.
The “Mind Readers” – with no verification whatsoever, conclude that someone is reacting negatively. they then continue to respond to that person as if they “have it in for them,” in consequence creating a difficult relationship that is based on phony assumptions.
The “Seers” – They predict things will turn out for the worst. They assume the worst about people and go into interactions with them with preconceived notions that things are going to go terribly wrong.


  1. pls tell us the way to find out such people..........

  2. wat bout the "kno it alls"... they think tht jus cuz wat the person is saying is something "they have already heard bout" they completely ignore the crux of the topic or conversation.
