Monday, October 4, 2010

Unbeaten desire-I

Whenever I sit alone I always try to recollect my childhood days. That was the golden time of my life though I was not an extraordinary child. I love my childhood because that was when I was free to do anything and everything. I was blessed in form of my parents who never stopped me from doing things. I would end up doing foolish activities which would turn out to be creative at the end of the day.
I always learnt things from my errors. I still feel I was more passionate as a child. This was a driving force of my life.
I remember an incident which I would like to share.
I was about 3 years old when my parents got me admitted to school.
“My first school”…. My teacher was our neighbor and happen to be my mom’ good friend too, which made it obvious that I had to travel everyday with her, this was quite boring. As I used to be with my teacher whole day I hardly would interact to anyone else in the school. I was like a cute obedient kid who would follow all the orders of his teacher. This was really getting over my nerves. I gathered all the courage to break all the rules and run away from school and not to be surprised I ended up reaching home. When I was asked, I told my mom that I do not like my teacher making me act and sing poems in front of all classes. I tried telling her that I was not comfortable learning there and also would not like to go their again. My mother still insisted on me going to school. I refused to do so. I was given two options. One was to go to school and get a chocolate everyday or stand on sand with bare feet.
I chose to go with the 2nd choice. She told me politely “Son, go to school”. And I refused. My neighbors did try to save me but my mom was adamant. I stood there for at least 9 hrs. It was just too hot for a kid to stand outside for such a long time which looked never ending for me. I was crying, weeping because it was getting unbearable for me. Mom warned me not to do it again but I was still trying to tell her that I was not wrong, and I really wasn’t. I had full faith on my choice. It was the starting of my learning period.
This story might be boring for most of you. But this is my unbeaten desire. I want to become like same old me. I did not know what was right and wrong. Still had the courage to stand for myself no matter what it took. Today when I look at myself, though I have grown up by age I think kid in me was more bold and mature. Although I know nobody had stopped me from being same old me but I feel I am bounded by unseen chains. May be these chains are tied by others but I want to break free. It is my unbeaten desire…….


  1. i think u did kno wat was rite and wrong. As we grow up we begin to think the "truths" we stood for were foolish. Ppl always consider being "disillusioned" as accepting the bad even worse things. Its a thought revolution that is to b desired by ppl who sing loudly the legendary song " i want to break free...."


  2. nice one........whenever I sit alone I always miss my childhood days.

  3. This is very interesting.........not boring

  4. this is something different out here.......

  5. may be my frnd.....but this desire still in us....

  6. childhood days are really awesome.....we dreamed a lot without boundation

  7. in childhood days we knw that what we can do well......n we believe on what we think
