Friday, October 8, 2010

Feel The Pain

Our minds have a way of protecting us. Whenever we are hurting, it’s natural to try to get away of whatever is causing the pain. However, the need to eliminate the pain could only set us up for more frustration and anxiety – especially if it doesn’t happen as quickly as we would like.
We may begin to panic and believe the only way we will feel happy again is when the pain and sadness leave. This type of thinking will only exacerbate our anxiety. Instead, true healing will occur when we face our pain and deal with it to the best of our ability.
To do this, is a matter of balance. Take a little time each day, maybe 30 minutes or so, to sit with the source of your pain and sadness. Allow yourself to really feel the emotions. Talk to yourself and assure yourself that you are allowed to grieve. Talk to the little girl of boy inside of you and offer the promise you are here now to take care of them and to love them. Tell them they are no longer alone.
Give yourself grace and mercy. Offer forgiveness to those responsible for the pain. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. Recognize what needs to change in your life and begin to create a picture of what that healing looks like to you.