Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Sceptre

There was a place in the olden days
When gates of gold were a common place
And kings and Queens dined in silver
Caste and creed were in the numbers
Times were moving at a record haste
As civilizations were building at an unstoppable pace
The common crowd were finding themselves
As individuals wanted to make their place.
“Oh the horrors and crimes, the cruelty they reign
Who will stand against it?”They said.
“A revolt here an attack there
Is it really enough to end this dread?
A savior will come all them said,
He will come to us riding on his stead
A mysterious man a learned fellow
The greatest warrior we will behold.
He will crush these oppressors and marry the fair maiden
He will keep us safe and extend our boundaries
Then the times of peace shall reign.
“Oh! Silly fellows you do know not
A liberator from somewhere will come not
In fairytales exists the legend you speak
A childish dream you all so seek
Nothing will change, it never does
If all you do is only hope
For ideas do not change a thing
It’s the men with will that do what you speak.
So carry on with your prayers and wishes,”
The king went to his bed a satisfied man
And no warrior ever came
For if all the folk just wait and hope
The times will carry on a hundred fold.

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