It feels good to be called Employed. it is my first job, and my wardrobe has only 2 pairs of formal cloths… happy realization I need to shop.
Feeling like I’m attending some school and shopping for uniform and shoes and all which is totally different from the normal shopping… all these years in college never had a tough time shopping because it was always casuals. This seems to be a crazy thing to do. Whenever I find a formal dress I end up liking the dress just next to it. Which turns out to be a party wear… the same applies to foot wear.. I always want something that’s comfortable and not something in which you are expected to suffocate your feet’s for the full day. My eyes always tend to capture things that are comfortable and not so called formal. If this continues then surely I will never return home with what I had to buy. This also makes me wonder how difficult it is to buy something which is just your need of the moment and not really a want.
I wonder why is it always considered that wearing formals brings in seriousness in you… cant u be normal in casuals cloths and still be serious about your work… which theory says that only formal dressing can get the corporate seriousness in you. My belief says you can be at your best when you feel most comfortable. Don’t you agree this makes sense…?
I still love shoppin.... provided.... there r no such constraints...