Monday, November 8, 2010

You deserve only if you earned it….

Have you ever given it a serious thought… always we feel.. we should have got this or got that… did we ever think before sayin that, if we actually deserved it.. or did we really earn it…

How many time we demand for things without thinking about deserving it or earning it…

Does it not give a very different pleasure when you get something you really worked for and deserved… it’s a different feeling.. its like….a pride and achievement kinda thing…

In childhood most of the Childers must have heard their parents setting few targets, which if achieved, the child will be rewarded with something…. Why don’t we do this to ourself…

We should decide some deadlines.. or some limits or mark for our self and if achieved… we reward our self with something we like….


  1. True.. Earned things hold true value of that entity..but at times its good to get pampered (But again that is also earned)

  2. very true so think first whether you deserve or not then demand for it.......

  3. really beth but hardly people come to know what they deserve.....some time they didnt deserve much.....some time they dont knw how much they deserve
