Monday, November 15, 2010

What girls looks for

I have always heard that “it’s very difficult to understand a women” and I agree with this because being a women I know why men say this. According to me reason is women's mind work in a very different way. They expect things to happen for them without expressing it especially from their boyfriend or husband. Let’s talk about what a girl wants in a boy. List is not small it will go on it’s a never ending list. But my list is bit small ;) Usually girls look for Honesty, good sense of humor, should be handsome with good muscles, should be mature and sensitive, should be confident, and should have good SMILE and many more. Girls easy get attracted to boys who have these qualities. But it is very difficult to find a guy like this because I am still searching for that guy.


  1. What girls like in guys is easy to understand but difficult to implement for most guys.
