Monday, November 22, 2010


Cicatrization is a French word for scarificatrion.
Scarification is getting a permanent scar done on the body by cutting or branding the skin.
Scarification is an ancient African tribal body art which involves purposely scarring the skin to create raised marks or patterns. it is said that art of scarification was developed because the art of tattoo was not visible enough on the dark skin color of Africans. It is also viewed as a test of courage for Africans… it’s a pain full process and thus is the person is courageous then is expected not to cry in pain during the process of scarification.
Scarification was mainly done due to religious or social reasons in olden days… now its more like a form of self expression like tattoos. Like tattoo parlors we also have special places where scarification is done by experts… it’s a rather pain full process as compared to tattoo.