Monday, November 15, 2010

Strategically placed Scar…

Its quite fascination to see a nicely done and strategically placed tattoo on someone’s…. We feel like having one for our self… how about a strategically placed Scar… sounds crazy right…. Well I have seen few people going crazy on scars too… few scars really look amazing and give a rough and tough kinda touch to ones personality…

When I was a kid… I hit my head on the edge of the steps while running down the staircase….

It was bad… my eye was swollen and had to get stitches too.. mom seems to be worried that her kid is gonna have a permanent scar on the face… I too dint like it in the earlier years… later I some how started liking my scar… in recent years I realized that the scar actually looked good on the face… it gave a different touch to personality…

This made me notice scars on other people’s faces too… and this idea fascinated me… most of the time scars on the face looks good and gave a unique touch then making it look horrible…

That is when the whole idea of strategically places scars fascinated me… and scars no more remaind as scars: the lasting sign of damage…


  1. its really nice to accept somthing as your strength whom you think was a weakness

  2. ur lucky that u got scar whick look nice. I have seen many people with ugly realy looks pathetic..
